• GameUp! Rheinland Pfalz auf der gamescom 2022

    Mainz, den 19.08.2022 gamescom 2022: Als Analogie zur Weinstube versammelt sich Rheinland-Pfalz in der Gamesstube auf der größten Besuchermesse für Videospiele

  • switch the project window to tree view

    #UnityTips Sometimes it is beneficial to switch the project window to just a "tree view" with the One Column Layout. 👇#indiedev #gamedev pic.twitter.co

  • create own packages

    #Unitytips You can create your own packages for your projects. You need an entry in your manifest.json which is located in your Packages folder. You also need

  • Editing the Transform

    #UnityTips A nice new feature in the 2021 Cycle is the options we got for editing the transform. L(a,b) results in a linear ramp between a and b R(a,b) results

  • link icon toggles proportional scaling

    #UnityTips The link icon toggles proportional scaling, for adjusting the values proportionately to each other.For example, the object’s scale is (1, 2, 4) and y

  • an extension to return a random value

    #UnityTips This might be of use to the Linq fans! This is an extension to return a random value from a collection.#coding #indiedev #gamedev pic.twitter.com/dB

  • default foliage preset

    #UnityTips If your foliage looks weird in #HDRP maybe you forgot to set the Diffusion Profile in the material. There is a default foliage preset which comes wi

  • Remove confusing indentations

    #UnityTips Remove confusing indentations by getting rid of some nested if/else constructs. Often the else statement is not needed & the code can be optimiz

  • Use Auto-Implemented Properties

    #UnityTips Use Auto-Implemented Properties! For an auto-implemented property in C#, the compiler creates a private, anonymous backing field accessed only throu

  • using some error checks in the OnValidate function

    #UnityTips Bridge the gap between devs and level designers by using some error checks in the OnValidate function. This gets called when the script is loaded or

  • Gemeinsame Initiative der regionalen Gamesbranche

    Mainz, den 28.06.2022 Sieben Games-Entwickler aus Rheinland-Pfalz schließen sich zusammen, um Rheinland-Pfalz als Games-Standort sichtbarer zu machen. Am D

  • Kostenloses Raspberry E-Book

    Bereits 2020 brachte Sebastian Pohl mit „Raspberry Pi: Kompendium: Linux, Programmierung und Projekte“ ein Buch auf dem Markt, welches seine Leidenschaft für D

  • easy way to implement a undo / redo mechanic

    #UnityTips Here is an easy way to implement a undo / redo mechanic. When you move your element create a new instance of a MoveElementCommand and add it to the

  • use a solution that replace the exact same lines of codes

    #UnityTips If you find the exact same lines of code multiple times in your project you could and should always think about a solution that replaces those insta

  • implement default methods in interface

    #UnityTips Since Unity 2020.2 we have access to the features of #csharp 8.0 Among many things we can now also implement default methods in interfaces which was