• Unity 2023.1 Introduces Awaitable Class

    #UnityTips Unity 2023.1 Introduces Awaitable Class! Awaitable is a new type used to expose asynchronous code, as well as an async return type specifically tail

  • PlayerInput

    #unitytips Show players what key to press for an action with support for multiple input devices? With help of PlayerInput and a nicely made InputActionAsset it

  • spans are ref structs

    #UnityTip#csharp spans are ref structs which enables changing value types stored in them. This allows convenient enumeration of parts of arrays, allocation fre

  • Reset function to always set up GameObjects

    #Unitytips You can use the Reset function to always set up GameObjects in the same way. Reset is called when you select it from the context menu and when a com

  • null coalescing operator

    #CodingTips In #csharp, the null coalescing operator (??) is used to simplify null checks and provide a default value. In our example we also used ? to make a

  • „hasChanged“ is a public bool on a Transform

    #UnityTips "hasChanged" is a public bool on a Transform, which will turn true if the transform was modified (whenever its matrix is recalculated). It will stay

  • Noticing a glitch with splines in linear mode

    #UnityTips Noticing a glitch with @unity splines in linear mode? This comes down to a calculation error when the handles are 0. Fix it by resampling the spline

  • override a function marked

    #UnityTips Keep in mind that if you override a function marked as editor only, it will cause a build error due to a missing function to override. Console and V

  • find the closest point on a ray to a given point

    #UnityTips Here is a little gist to find the closest point on a ray to a given point. It also gives you the the distance in an out parameter without any square

  • Compile time static references in attributes

    #CodingTips Compile time static references in attributes🤯 Use name of classes in attributes through string concatenation. This does NOT work with strin

  • Avoid returning null

    #CodingTips Avoid returning null for collections in #csharp! This removes the need for null checks in the code that consumes the call. Return the type IReadOnl

  • multiple platforms – appropriate Quality

    #UnityTips If working on a project which targets multiple platforms, make sure to select the appropriate Quality setting in the project settings. The highlight

  • „Make me Laugh“ – Humorvolle Spielkonzepte beim Global Game Jam 2024 in Koblenz

    Der Global Game Jam 2024 hat sich erneut als ein weltweit beachtetes Ereignis für Spieleentwickler bewiesen. In Deutschland fanden dieses Jahr beeindruckende 31 GGJ-Events statt, wobei das einzige in Rheinland-Pfalz von Binary Impact im TechnologieZentrum Koblenz (TZK) organisiert wurde.

  • „LastSceneManagerSetup.txt“

    #UnityTips Wonder why the editor opens with a certain scene? "LastSceneManagerSetup.txt" in the Library folder controls it. Delete it, the editor starts with a

  • Extensions can clean up your code

    #Unitytips Extensions can clean up your code and shorten long method calls if you need them frequently. In our example we added a shortcut for setting a gameob