Use the Multiline attribute to have unity generate a text field
#UnityTips Do you need more space to edit your strings in the inspector? Use the [Multiline] attribute to have unity generate a text field for your variable.#g
tint your editor
#unitytips You probably are aware of the option to tint your editor when entering play mode. But did you know that you can do this by script? And customize it
editor camera follow a moving object
#UnityTips You can have the editor camera follow a moving object at runtime by using the SHIFT + F shortcut with the object selected. Also #unite has a lot of
Instantiate is mostly used to return a GameObject
#UnityTips Instantiate is mostly used to return a GameObject. But since it is a generic method of the Object class it can also return a transform. Depending on
Use ProfilerMarker to mark up script code blocks
#UnityTips Use ProfilerMarker to mark up script code blocks for the Profiler. The information is then displayed in the CPU Profiler & can be also captured
use ToArray to create a copy
#unitytips If you change the contents of a list while iterating through it you will most likely run into problems. A solution is to use ToArray to create a cop
Create a multiple choice enum
#UnityTips Create a multiple choice enum like the layer mask with the System.Flags attribute. 😎 Note that your values have to start with 2 and have to
git rebase
#UnityTips If you do a git rebase and you decide on a merge strategy then "mine" and "theirs" work counterintuitively. e.g. if you rebase a feature branch onto
Create LODs automatically
#UnityTips If your models are named correctly then unity will automatically create LODs upon importing your FBX.#gamedev #indiedev —
use LOD-Groups to fade materials
#UnityTips You can use LOD-Groups to fade materials 🤯 Set "Fade Mode" to "Cross Fade" & "Fade Transition Width" to any value higher that 0 Create a
GameUp! Rheinland Pfalz auf der gamescom 2022
Mainz, den 19.08.2022 gamescom 2022: Als Analogie zur Weinstube versammelt sich Rheinland-Pfalz in der Gamesstube auf der größten Besuchermesse für Videospiele
switch the project window to tree view
#UnityTips Sometimes it is beneficial to switch the project window to just a "tree view" with the One Column Layout. 👇#indiedev #gamedev
create own packages
#Unitytips You can create your own packages for your projects. You need an entry in your manifest.json which is located in your Packages folder. You also need
Editing the Transform
#UnityTips A nice new feature in the 2021 Cycle is the options we got for editing the transform. L(a,b) results in a linear ramp between a and b R(a,b) results