• Use the Multiline attribute to have unity generate a text field

    #UnityTips Do you need more space to edit your strings in the inspector? Use the [Multiline] attribute to have unity generate a text field for your variable.#g

  • tint your editor

    #unitytips You probably are aware of the option to tint your editor when entering play mode. But did you know that you can do this by script? And customize it

  • editor camera follow a moving object

    #UnityTips You can have the editor camera follow a moving object at runtime by using the SHIFT + F shortcut with the object selected. Also #unite has a lot of

  • Instantiate is mostly used to return a GameObject

    #UnityTips Instantiate is mostly used to return a GameObject. But since it is a generic method of the Object class it can also return a transform. Depending on

  • Screenshot www.rhein-zeitung.de vom 11.10.2022 / Foto: Matthias Kolk

    Besuch der Rhein-Zeitung

    Ein Redakteur der Westerwälder Zeitung (Lokalausgabe der Rhein-Zeitung) besuchte unser Büro in Niederelbert. Wir sprachen über die Deutsche Computerspielbranch

  • Use ProfilerMarker to mark up script code blocks

    #UnityTips Use ProfilerMarker to mark up script code blocks for the Profiler. The information is then displayed in the CPU Profiler & can be also captured

  • use ToArray to create a copy

    #unitytips If you change the contents of a list while iterating through it you will most likely run into problems. A solution is to use ToArray to create a cop

  • Create a multiple choice enum

    #UnityTips Create a multiple choice enum like the layer mask with the System.Flags attribute. 😎 Note that your values have to start with 2 and have to

  • git rebase

    #UnityTips If you do a git rebase and you decide on a merge strategy then "mine" and "theirs" work counterintuitively. e.g. if you rebase a feature branch onto

  • Create LODs automatically

    #UnityTips If your models are named correctly then unity will automatically create LODs upon importing your FBX.#gamedev #indiedev pic.twitter.com/5ykFhKCa5s —

  • use LOD-Groups to fade materials

    #UnityTips You can use LOD-Groups to fade materials 🤯 Set "Fade Mode" to "Cross Fade" & "Fade Transition Width" to any value higher that 0 Create a

  • GameUp! Rheinland Pfalz auf der gamescom 2022

    Mainz, den 19.08.2022 gamescom 2022: Als Analogie zur Weinstube versammelt sich Rheinland-Pfalz in der Gamesstube auf der größten Besuchermesse für Videospiele

  • switch the project window to tree view

    #UnityTips Sometimes it is beneficial to switch the project window to just a "tree view" with the One Column Layout. 👇#indiedev #gamedev pic.twitter.co

  • create own packages

    #Unitytips You can create your own packages for your projects. You need an entry in your manifest.json which is located in your Packages folder. You also need

  • Editing the Transform

    #UnityTips A nice new feature in the 2021 Cycle is the options we got for editing the transform. L(a,b) results in a linear ramp between a and b R(a,b) results