• cinemachine camera frustum

    #UnityTips If the cinemachine camera frustum gets in the way of your lighting work and you can't find the Gizmo to turn it off just collapse the Cinemachine

  • change a shader property via scripting

    #UnityTips If you would like to change a shader property via scripting like this:material.SetFloat("_Glossiness", 0.5f);You can get the string by sele

  • „TV“ in your scene

    #UnityTips For a "TV" in your scene showing other parts of the same scene, you may run into an expensive setup.This script can adjust your 2nd camera

  • unnecessary long switch case constructions

    #UnityTips Certain Developers still use unnecessary long switch case constructions.This is a much better way utilizing an abstract base class implement all func

  • more impact by using a script

    #UnityTips Give your fire animations more impact by using a script on a point light!Let the light dance in a random pattern to simulate the movement of the flam

  • compiler warnings synchronized in Visual Studio & the Unity console

    #UnityTips If you want to have your compiler warnings in Visual Studio & the Unity console synchronized, you need to uncheck the "Suppress Common Warnings"

  • movement in background

    #UnityTips If you need some movement in your background, you can use a particle systems set it to bursts and add a simple sprite sheet to create randomly genera

  • serialize Lists from abstract base classes or custom interfaces

    #UnityTips With [SerializeReference] you can serialize Lists from abstract base classes or custom interfaces.We will link this tweet from now on when we read in

  • inject functions into classes with extension methods

    #UnityTips You can actually inject functions into classes with extension methods 🤩This is great for extending functionality of any class, such as Vector

  • Be aware of the difference: Renderer.material / Renderer.sharedMaterial

    #unitytips Be aware of the difference:Renderer.material(s) instantiates a new object, which are not garbage collected. You have to destroy it, to avoid memory l

  • search the hierarchy for specific components

    #UnityTips You can search the hierarchy for specific components by entering t: ComponentNameThis works also for your custom MonoBehaviours.#indiedev #gamedev pi

  • Add your own hierarchy information by subsrcibing to EditorApplication

    #UnityTips Add your own hierarchy information by subsrcibing to EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUIThis will receive a callback for every item that is dr

  • render your own scenes in cubemaps

    #UnityTips This little widget will help you to render your own scenes into cubemaps and use them as backgrounds in your projects.#gamedev #indiedev pic.twitter.

  • short helper script

    #UnityTips This is a short helper script that distributes the workload of baking multiple Reflection Probes over multiple frames.https://t.co/XttQTMNHXp#gamedev

  • Reflection probes have a high impact on your performance

    #UnityTips Reflection probes have a high impact on your performance. Try using as few as possible and set the resolution to the lowest setting that still looks