• undo history

    #UnityTips By clicking on the clock icon or hitting CTRL + U you can access the undo history! Available since Unity 2021.2 and onward.#gamedev #indiedev pic.tw

  • export your editor layout

    #UnityTips Did you know you can export your editor layout to a file and share it with your friends/colleagues? Especially useful if you use a lot of special vi

  • cheat sheet for C#8

    #UnityTips Here is a little cheat sheet for the C# 8.0 pattern matching. Especially the nested null check is very useful! Keep in mind which variables are poin

  • UI Scaling

    #UnityTips If the menus and fonts in Unity are too small for you and wish you they could be made bigger, here's the answer. Yes, you can increase the size of t

  • Know your access modifiers

    #UnityTips Know your access modifiers. Especially when working in a team it is vital to handle the availability of classes and their members. All details in th

  • instant access to the frame debugger

    #UnityTips The 2022 cycle of unity gave us an instant access to the frame debugger directly in the gameview window! It is the little things sometimes!#gamedev

  • open any Assets inspector window

    #UnityTips You can open any Assets inspector window by right-clicking on the asset and selecting "Properties" 🤯 The newly opened window acts like a loc

  • filetype unity is unfamiliar with

    #UnityTips Need a filetype unity is unfamiliar with as an adressable? Change the file extension to .bytes and it will be imported as TextAsset. Now you can use

  • UI classes derived from Selectable have a Navigation property

    #Unitytips UI classes derived from Selectable have a Navigation property that might get ab bit too ambitious on automatic and include more events than it shoul

  • Input System has a setting for supporting exclusive actions

    #UnityTips The Input System has a setting for supporting exclusive actions like Shift+B so it won't trigger an action with just B Project Settings -> Input

  • Set[…]WithoutNotify to avoid calling onValueChanged

    #unitytips Did you notice that onValueChanged is called for most UI elements when you directly set their value? This may lead to problems and/or loops. ὣ

  • cutting meshes in half and mirroring it

    #UnityTips Save on app size by cutting meshes in half and mirroring it in Unity. It works great on models with just a color material.#FBX also already supports

  • move the pivot

    #UnityTips You surely know about vector snapping, but do you also know you can move the pivot to a vertex of your choosing when rotating by also holding V

  • mathematic operations does have an impact on performance

    Here is our test setup and our results 👇 pic.twitter.com/w678Kb95tz — Binary Impact (@BinaryImpactG) March 14, 2023

  • Technical Artist (d/m/w) für UNITY 3D-Projekte

    Technical Artist (d/m/w) für Unity 3D Vollzeitanstellung in Teleheimarbeit (remote) aus ganz Deutschland möglich! Wir suchen eine*n erfahrene*n Technical Art