• use c# ReadOnlySpan to avoid heap allocation

    #UnityTips You can use #csharp ReadOnlySpan to avoid heap allocation which is expensive for the garbage collector. Here is a simple example code to show the us

  • use FindObjectsByType

    #UnityTips Instead of using FindObjectsOfType, use FindObjectsByType which was added in recent unity version. It is taking a sortMode as a parameter and settin

  • add flex-grow

    #UnityTips Did you ever build an editor window with the content not growing to size with the new UI tools in #Unity3D? Maybe you forgot to add flex-grow: 1 to

  • avoid unnecessary garbage collection

    #UnityTips today live from #gamescom2023 When using a lot of TextMeshPro, consider this hint from their documentation: SetText() formats strings with numbers i

  • deactivate game view

    #UnityTips Tuesday! Let's go! Are you tired of being forced in the game view when hitting Play? Try to right click the play button to reveal an option to deact

  • save your complex search queries

    #UnityTips You can save your complex search queries to your project and commit them to your repository so other team members can use them to find your assets.

  • implement your own timescale

    #UnityTips Changing the Unity timescale might sometimes bring more problems then the gain from it. With something like this you can implement your own timescal

  • Rheinland-Pfälzisches Entwicklerstudio präsentiert neue Business-Simulation

    Wir möchten Medienvertreter aus der Region Rheinland-Pfalz und Westerwald einladen, unseren Stand auf der Gamescom zu besuchen, um einen ersten Einblick in unser neues Spiel zu erhalten und zu diskutieren.

  • good use of tuples

    #UnityTips Today we got another good use of tuples for you! You can use them to create named arguments 🤯#gamedev #indiedev pic.twitter.com/5JcjrQsuc2 —

  • connection via „OffMeshLink“ component

    #UnityTips If you have nav meshes that are not physically connected don't be desperate! You can make a connection which can be navigated by adding an "OffMeshL

  • interfaces can be generic

    #unitytips Did you know interfaces can be generic? In our example we have a serialization implementation for saving and loading all kinds of object to and from

  • careful when using the default keyword with quaternions

    #UnityTips Be careful when using the default keyword with quaternions! In our example we highlighted some issues that may arise and also one possible solution

  • delete prefab children while outside prefab mode

    #UnityTips Version 2022.3 allows you to delete prefab children while outside prefab mode and now has this neat box to replace prefabs easily.#indiedev #gamedev

  • switch off Editor shortcuts

    #UnityTips In newer Version of Unity you can switch off Editor shortcuts in the game view to not trigger Editor functionality while testing your game.#gamedev

  • undo history

    #UnityTips By clicking on the clock icon or hitting CTRL + U you can access the undo history! Available since Unity 2021.2 and onward.#gamedev #indiedev pic.tw