• change how unity handles script recompilation

    #UnityTips You can change how unity handles script recompilation!Go to: Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Script Changes While PlayingWe are mostly usi

  • TextMeshPro fields support RichText

    #UnityTips TextMeshPro fields support RichText tags like sprite. To use it right click your sprite and create a TMP sprite asset. Drag the asset in the drawer

  • Cinemachine Input Provider

    #UnityTips If you want to use Cinemachine and the new input system you can add the "Cinemachine Input Provider" component to your virtual camera.

  • [ReadOnly] attribute

    #Unitytips You need to see a value in the inspector but want to prohibit changing it?Introduce a [ReadOnly] attribute!Put the ReadOnlyDrawer in an Editor folder

  • ternary operator

    #UnityTips A lot of Mathf.min and Mathf.max in performance relevant code?🤔Use the ternary operator, it is a lot faster!🚀BTW use the Unity Testfr

  • fine-tune RuntimenItializeLoadMethod

    #UnityTips You may already know about RuntimenItializeLoadMethod, but did you know that you can fine-tune when the code will run even further with these argumen

  • Unitys Vector classes support an index

    #UnityTips Did you know that Unitys Vector classes support an index? You can call myVector3[0] instead of myVector3.x.Very useful if you have to iterate over th

  • Make a foldout in the Inspector

    #UnityTips Make a foldout in the Inspector without writing additional Editor Scripts.Create a System.Serializable class and add an instance to your script. Publ

  • create your objects in the origin

    #UnityTips Checking this box will always create your objects in the origin. No more right clicking the Transform for resetting.Available since the 2020 cycle of

  • You can simulate a touchscreen

    #UnityTips You can simulate a touchscreen /w your mouse or pen using the new input system.Windows -> Analysis -> Input DebuggerThen in dialog click on Opt

  • more precision then InvokeRepeating

    #UnityTips If you need more precision then InvokeRepeating provides you can do a simple second thread to execute some easy work.InvokeRepewating can be up to 5m

  • edit the numbering scheme of your GameObjects

    #UnityTips Since the 2020 cycle of #unity you can edit the numbering scheme of your GameObjects in the project settings -> Editor 🤯#gamedev #indiede

  • ambiguous classes in c#

    #UnityTips if you have ambiguous classes in #csharp you can introduce a using directive to tell the compiler which one you mean to access.In our example we solv

  • nice and fast way to check if a polygon in 3D space is convex or concave

    #UnityTips Here is a nice and fast way to check if a polygon in 3D space is convex or concave.Basically get a normal for each edge and calculate the dot product

  • Animators on UI elements will set those to „dirty“ every frame

    #UnityTips Animators on UI elements will set those to "dirty" every frame, even if no animation is playing. Animators don't have null operation ch