• Tags:

    Mixed Reality Ausbildungsanwendungen in AR / VR und auf der Microsoft HoloLens 2

    Für ein namhaftes Transportunternehmen im Schienenverkehr erstellt die BIG unterschiedliche Ausbildungsanwendungen. Dies umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Zielgeräten und Techniken.

  • Tags:

    Editor für autonome (KI-unterstützte) park Umgebungen

    Für den VW-Konzern erstellt die Firma Binary Impact GmbH einen Editor, um dynamisch neue Parkumgebungen zu schaffen, auf denen die KI-Systeme der autonomen Fahrzeuge trainiert und getestet werden können.

  • Tags:

    Re-Implementierung, Wartung und Neuentwicklung von AR Applikationen für Android und iOS

    Für eine große Marketinggesellschaft hat BIG mehrere vorhandene Augmented-Reality-Anwendungen für verschiedene Betriebssysteme neu implementiert sowie weitere Anwendungen konzeptioniert und entwickelt.

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  • If you use the pattern [SerializeField] private int _myVar; and stumble upon the warning 0649 here are three ways to deal with it

    #UnityTips If you use the pattern [SerializeField] private int _myVar; and stumble upon the warning 0649 here are three ways to deal with it 👇#gamedev

  • If you need screenshots in 4k from your project, try the Unity Recorder Package

    #UnityTips If you need screenshots in 4k from your project, try the Unity Recorder Package! Add "Image Sequence" as the recorder & set the mode to "Manual"

  • Of course it is very good to know how to get from degree to radians

    #UnityTips Of course it is very good to know how to get from degree to radians ( rad = deg * PI / 180 ) But you could also use one of the constants from the Ma

  • Today two functions to return random points on a circle & a sphere, given a radius

    #UnityTips Today two functions to return random points on a circle & a sphere, given a radius. We wanted to highlight two very useful methods in Unitys Ran

  • You can use extension methods to add functionality specific to a particular enum type

    #UnityTips You can use extension methods to add functionality specific to a particular enum type. In our example we use an enum to define neighbors on a square

  • You can use a LineRenderer for cheap fake volumetrics in the background to improve your visuals

    #UnityTips You can use a LineRenderer for cheap fake volumetrics in the background to improve your visuals. In the picture without and with two LineRenderers &

  • Need to check your game for missing colliders? Try the Physics Debugger!

    #UnityTips Need to check your game for missing colliders? Try the Physics Debugger!It might have some issues here and there but its still immensely helpful for

  • Use the predefined tag EditorOnly to get objects automatically removed in your builds

    #UnityTips Use the predefined tag EditorOnly to get objects automatically removed in your builds.Pretty handy for debugging objects which you do not need in the

  • Save presets of your favorite component settings. Use those settings whenever you create a new instance

    #UnityTips Given to us in 2018.1 this feature is widely underused!Save presets of your favorite component settings.Use those settings whenever you create a new

  • GameUp! Live 2020

    With guests from politics, the games industry, universities, eSports and streaming, the Rhineland-Palatinate software and games forum GameUp! launched its Game

  • You can reduce the MeshCollider complexity by setting it to Convex

    #Unitytips You can reduce the MeshCollider complexity by setting it to Convex. It is faster to calculate, but convex colliders cant be curved inward. To illustr