Re-Implementierung, Wartung und Neuentwicklung von AR Applikationen für Android und iOS
Für eine große Marketinggesellschaft hat BIG mehrere vorhandene Augmented-Reality-Anwendungen für verschiedene Betriebssysteme neu implementiert sowie weitere Anwendungen konzeptioniert und entwickelt.
If you use the pattern [SerializeField] private int _myVar; and stumble upon the warning 0649 here are three ways to deal with it
#UnityTips If you use the pattern [SerializeField] private int _myVar; and stumble upon the warning 0649 here are three ways to deal with it 👇#gamedev
If you need screenshots in 4k from your project, try the Unity Recorder Package
#UnityTips If you need screenshots in 4k from your project, try the Unity Recorder Package! Add "Image Sequence" as the recorder & set the mode to "Manual"
Of course it is very good to know how to get from degree to radians
#UnityTips Of course it is very good to know how to get from degree to radians ( rad = deg * PI / 180 ) But you could also use one of the constants from the Ma
Today two functions to return random points on a circle & a sphere, given a radius
#UnityTips Today two functions to return random points on a circle & a sphere, given a radius. We wanted to highlight two very useful methods in Unitys Ran
You can use extension methods to add functionality specific to a particular enum type
#UnityTips You can use extension methods to add functionality specific to a particular enum type. In our example we use an enum to define neighbors on a square
You can use a LineRenderer for cheap fake volumetrics in the background to improve your visuals
#UnityTips You can use a LineRenderer for cheap fake volumetrics in the background to improve your visuals. In the picture without and with two LineRenderers &
Need to check your game for missing colliders? Try the Physics Debugger!
#UnityTips Need to check your game for missing colliders? Try the Physics Debugger!It might have some issues here and there but its still immensely helpful for
Use the predefined tag EditorOnly to get objects automatically removed in your builds
#UnityTips Use the predefined tag EditorOnly to get objects automatically removed in your builds.Pretty handy for debugging objects which you do not need in the
Save presets of your favorite component settings. Use those settings whenever you create a new instance
#UnityTips Given to us in 2018.1 this feature is widely underused!Save presets of your favorite component settings.Use those settings whenever you create a new
GameUp! Live 2020
With guests from politics, the games industry, universities, eSports and streaming, the Rhineland-Palatinate software and games forum GameUp! launched its Game
You can reduce the MeshCollider complexity by setting it to Convex
#Unitytips You can reduce the MeshCollider complexity by setting it to Convex. It is faster to calculate, but convex colliders cant be curved inward. To illustr